Our telemetry, automation, and software solutions are the tools your organization needs to fulfill its goal of managing and distributing water to its members in the best possible way.
Inefficiency and lack of visibility in distribution, along with increasingly variable flows, have reduced the reliability of surface water for irrigation for many agricultural producers. Fortunately, many of these challenges can be addressed with our solutions.
The Melado Canal Association manages one of the oldest irrigation systems in the country, with over 90 years of history, distributing about 20 m3/s to its users, in addition to operating a series of hydroelectric power plants. They are also beneficiaries of the Ancoa Reservoir, completed in 2015 in the valley of the same name.
Although the reservoir has helped improve their irrigation reliability - and the hydroelectric plants have provided additional income - these infrastructure projects have increased the demand for better management and transparency in distribution, especially with other Water User Associations (WUAs) with which they share infrastructure. Additionally, lower flows have put pressure on improving the efficiency and precision of water deliveries to their users.
Given these challenges, the Melado Canal Association embarked on a multi-year plan to modernize its distribution network, incorporating a series of advanced Capta Hydro telemetry and automation equipment, as well as using Capta AMARU software to monitor and optimize flow distribution. Discover these solutions below:
Equipment that is more adaptable to infrastructure, anti-theft, and with lower total costs.
Provide 24/7 visibility of available flows to your users, minimizing complaints and uncertainty.
Identify and reduce losses due to water theft and overflows. Determine sections with the highest leakage rates.
What is not measured cannot be managed correctly. With Capta Hydro, we found a definitive solution to the uncertainty regarding our surface water source
Carlos Diez, President
Melado Canal Association and Maule River Water Board
Los Ebanistas 8611,
La Reina, Santiago, Chile
+569 4509 9873
Baja California, México
+52 1 686 211 3089