Temec, a strategic partner of Capta Hydro, offers high-standard gates for a wide range of applications at reasonable costs.
Using a handwheel on a spindle or with a gearbox and crank.
With a motorized lifting system and control panel. Compatible for future remote control.
Capta gate automation system with remote control from Amaru software.
Capta gate automation system with remote control from Amaru software, connected to downstream flow measurement.
Gate that allows for flow measurement. Ideal for final deliveries, intermediate control points, and low sediment areas.
Robust, reliable, efficient, and adaptable. A simple solution that allows for optional motorized or remote-controlled operation.
"We trust Capta Hydro and their high level of professionalism that they have consistently shown over the years"
Claudio Rojas Foncillas, Manager of the Bío Bío Sur Canal User Association.
Los Ebanistas 8611,
La Reina, Santiago, Chile
+569 4509 9873
Baja California, México
+52 1 686 211 3089