Do you need to generate a rating curve? Comply with regulations? Improve your intake or measurement infrastructure? Or perhaps solve a challenge that requires a special project?
At Capta Hydro, we have a team of outstanding hydraulic, mechanical, and electrical engineers who can advise your company in solving its particular issues.
We provide consulting services to design improvements in hydraulic and measurement infrastructure, achieve proper implementation of technology, water source management, and compliance with regulations from entities such as DGA, SMA, among others.
SEE MOREOur engineers can advise you on tailor-made projects that adapt to the specific needs of your distribution network or other technical requirements that require the development of new technological solutions.
SEE MOREWe provide flow measurement services for specific points or generate rating curves using the most appropriate instruments and methodology to minimize measurement uncertainty.
SEE MORELos Ebanistas 8611,
La Reina, Santiago, Chile
+569 4509 9873
Baja California, México
+52 1 686 211 3089